From: Steffl, Heather D.
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 3:14 PM
Subject: FW: Olmstead Commission meeting is Nov. 12 in Bismarck
NEWS from the North Dakota Department of Human Services
600 East Boulevard Avenue – Department 325, Bismarck ND 58505-0250
November 7, 2008
Contact: Heather Steffl, N.D. Department of Human Services, Public Information Officer,
Governor’s Olmstead Commission to meet Nov. 12 in Bismarck
BISMARCK, N.D. – North Dakota’s Olmstead Commission, which focuses on issues related to the delivery of state services for people with disabilities, will meet Nov. 12, 2008, from
1 p.m. to about 3 p.m. in the AV Room (Room 210) on the second floor of the Judicial Wing in the Capitol in Bismarck.
Gov. John Hoeven established the Commission in August 2001 to evaluate the state’s service delivery system in relation to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Olmstead vs. L.C. and to develop a state plan to serve people with disabilities in the least restrictive, appropriate setting.
Agenda items include the State Olmstead Plan Work Group report, Annual National Olmstead Conference report, report on New Freedom Commission grant funding for Olmstead-related work on transition planning, update on the Money Follows the Person grant including transitions and work with counties to increase utilization of home and community-based services, update on services for children with disabilities, qualified service provider payment system update, Website development, and other-related business.
The governor’s Health and Human Services Policy Advisor, Tami Wahl, and N.D. Department of Human Services Executive Director, Carol K. Olson, co-chair the commission. Members are appointed by the governor. For a full list of members, see the Boards and Commissions section of the Governor’s Website at
Olmstead Commission meetings are public meetings. Individuals who need accommodations for disabilities to participate or who have questions, can contact Heather at 701-328-4933 or [email protected], or through ND Relay 711.
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