North Dakota Legislative Workforce Committee to Meet

Senator Tony S. Grindberg, Chairman, has called a meeting of the WORKFORCE COMMITTEE.
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Red River Valley Room, State College of Science Student Center, Wahpeton
Agenda: Presentations and committee discussion regarding the committee’s studies of the
establishment and development of certified technology parks and technology-based
entrepreneurship and economic development best practices
Special Note: Anyone who plans to attend the meeting and needs assistance because of a disability
should contact the Legislative Council staff as soon as possible.
Committee Members: Senators Tony S. Grindberg, Tim Flakoll, Ray Holmberg, Karen K. Krebsbach,
Dave Nething, Larry J. Robinson, Mac Schneider, Tom Seymour, Ryan M. Taylor;
Representatives Donald L. Clark, Eliot Glassheim, Nancy Johnson, Lee Kaldor, Lisa Meier,
Corey Mock, Lee Myxter, Michael R. Nathe, Ken Svedjan, Clark Williams
Staff Contact: John Bjornson, Counsel
Any member unable to attend this meeting is asked to notify this office as soon as possible.
Jim W. Smith

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