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Attorney General Eric Holder testifies during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Attorney General Eric Holder testifies during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.
Attorney General Eric Holder faced a grilling today during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.
Rep. Darrell Issa was the main questioner, asking Holder if his Justice Department knew of the tactics used in the flawed gunrunning operation known as Fast and Furious.
NPR’s Carrie Johnson reports Republicans also accused Holder of not coming clean and not complying with subpoenas. She sent this report to our Newscast unit about the four-hour long hearing:
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Article source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/06/07/154529598/issa-to-holder-no-mr-attorney-general-youre-not-a-good-witness?ft=1&f=1001