Tom’s Technology

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Education — Resources

ED REVIEW November 7, 2008 …a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders ______________________________________________________________________ NCLB UPDATE On October 28, in Columbia, South Carolina, Secretary Spellings announced final regulations to clarify and strengthen Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act. “NCLB has shined […]

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November 4 — Education

AACTE Weekly News Briefs | November 4, 2008____________ . . . delivered to your inbox so you can enjoy up-to-date news on Colleges of Education, Teaching and the Classroom, Campaigns, Legislation, STEM Teacher Issues, International Teacher Issues, Grants, and Upcoming Events. Please click on linked headlines for full story. AACTE ANNOUNCEMENTS GET OUT AND VOTE

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008 — Educause Meeting Minutes

Educause: Business Schools and Colleges IT Officers29 October 2008 4:55pm – 6:10pm W330CLloyd Goad introduced the session and Carol Henry the co‐ordinator. He introduced the group list onthe Educause website. The group indicated they would like the blog and wiki option placed on theconstituent group list.Everyone introduced themselves.The attendees identified a number of topics for

Tom's Technology, Uncategorized

Welcome to e-Prairie Arts! This electronic newsletter supplements our printed newsletter, Prairie Arts, which is published 3 times per year. e-Prairie Arts will be distributed during the months of February, March, April, June, July, August, October, November and December. If you know of anyone else who would like to receive e-Prairie Arts, please e-mail [email protected].

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Medicare Report

Hello Everyone, Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII. Table of Contents 1. New From the Medicare Learning Network 2.

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Viewing the Funding of North Dakota Legislative Campaigns

Go to the ND Secratary of State’s Link below: North Dakota Secretary of StateOnline Services – Election Management System Disclosure Reports Search By ReportYear: 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 All Results per Page: 10 25 50 75 100 All Select a Filer:radio button Statewide Candidateradio button Direct Expenditure Filerradio button District

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Saturday, November 1 – Oil and Gas Town Hall Meetings

As part of “Oil Can,” additional Oil and Gas Town Hall Meetings have been scheduled for November 11 & 12, 2008 in Bowbells, Powers Lake, Parshall, Stanley, and Killdeer. “Oil Can” is a Petroleum Council program designed to open the lines of communication and improve understanding between the petroleum industry of North Dakota and key

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Thursday, October 30, 2008 —– Higher Education News

AACTE Weekly News Briefs | October 28, 2008_____________ . . . delivered to your inbox so you can enjoy up-to-date news on Colleges of Education, Teaching and the Classroom, Campaigns, Legislation, STEM Teacher Issues, International Teacher Issues, Grants, and Upcoming Events. Please click on linked headlines for full story. AACTE ANNOUNCEMENTS GET OUT AND VOTE!

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008 — Kildeer Mountain Manufacturing / Don Hedger Honored

NEWS from the N.D. Department of Human Services 600 E Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck ND 58505-0250 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 28, 2008 Contacts: Nancy McKenzie, Vocational Rehabilitation Division Director, 701-328-8983, or Harley D. Engelman, Rehabilitation Consulting & Services (RCS) Marketing and Business Relations Director, 701-471-0130 (cell), or 701-328-8957 (office). State and Regional Employer of the Year

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Tuesday, October 28 – Link to North Dakota Telephone Association Program in Minot on November 6 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5OPENING SESSION – Convention Center1:00 pm Welcome and Opening RemarksLouis WittePresident, North Dakota Telephone AssociationDirector, Consolidated Telcom, Dickinson, NDPresiding Dave Dircks, General Manager/CEONorth Dakota Telephone Company,Devils Lake, ND1:15 pm “Emerging Technologies for Our Generation”Lynn NelsonDirector of Sales & MarketingSRT Communications Inc.Minot, ND2:45 pm BREAKPresiding Steve Lysne, CEO/General ManagerSRT Communications, Inc., Minot, ND3:00

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Monday, October 27, 2008 — The Minutes of the ND Legislative Budget Section Meeting

NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE COUNCILMinutes of theBUDGET SECTIONThursday, September 25, 2008Senate Chamber, State CapitolBismarck, North DakotaSenator Ray Holmberg, Chairman, called themeeting to order at 9:00 a.m.Members present: Senators Ray Holmberg, BillBowman, Randel Christmann, Tony Grindberg,Ralph L. Kilzer, Aaron Krauter, Elroy N. Lindaas, TimMathern, Carolyn Nelson, David O’Connell, Larry J.Robinson, Tom Seymour, Harvey D. Tallackson;Representatives Ole Aarsvold,

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