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Medicare and Health Care

Hello Everyone, Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII. Table of Contents 1. Medicare Part B Drug Competitive Acquisition Program: […]

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North Dakota "Oil Can" Town Hall Meetings

More than 450 people attended the five “Oil Can!” Town Hall Meetings this week. The presentations will be posted on our web site ( late next week. To see one of the newspaper articles about the Town Hall Meetings, click on The article is also printed below. Residents hear how ‘Oil Can’ BY PATRICIA

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North Dakota Republican Legislative Leaders Chosen

N.D. GOP names leaders WILL KINCAID/Tribune Rep. Alan Carlson, right, R-Fargo, is congratulated by Rep. Rick Berg, R-Fargo, after being unamiously elected House Majority Leader by the House Republican Caucus on Wednesday night in Bismarck. LOADING Nov 13, 2008 – 06:45:42 CSTBy BRIAN DUGGAN Bismarck TribuneRepublican House and Senate members tapped their legislative leaders for

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November 13 and 14 North Dakota Legislative Council Interim Committee Reports in Bismarck, North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE COUNCILTentative AgendaLEGISLATIVE COUNCILThursday and Friday, November 13-14, 2008House Chamber, State CapitolBismarck, North DakotaThursday, November 13, 20089:00 a.m. Call to orderRoll callChairman’s remarksDirector’s remarks9:15 a.m. Report of the Budget SectionChairman: Senator Ray HolmbergStaff: Sheila M. SandnessAllen H. Knudson9:35 a.m. Report of the Long-Term Care CommitteeChairman: Senator Dick DeverStaff: Sheila M. SandnessAllen H. Knudson9:55

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Olmstead Commission Meeting in Bismarck Today

From: Steffl, Heather D. Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 3:14 PMTo: Subject: FW: Olmstead Commission meeting is Nov. 12 in Bismarck NEWS from the North Dakota Department of Human Services 600 East Boulevard Avenue – Department 325, Bismarck ND 58505-0250 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 7, 2008 Contact: Heather Steffl, N.D. Department of Human Services, Public

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Wednesday, November 12 — Early Child Care and Education

October 2008 In this Update: Upcoming EventsPrekindergarten Institute: Building on State LeadershipNCSL’s National Education Seminar Recent EventsNCSL State Assistance New Mexico Forum on Home Visiting New Hampshire Pre-K Study Committee What’s New Child-Care Quality Rating and Improvement Systems in Five Pioneer States Assessing the Validity of the Qualitstar Quality Rating and Improvement System…Lessons Learned from

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Tuesday, November 11 — Interim — Employees Benefits Committee of the State of North Dakota

NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE COUNCILMinutes of theEMPLOYEE BENEFITS PROGRAMS COMMITTEETuesday, October 21, 2008Harvest Room, State CapitolBismarck, North DakotaRepresentative Bette Grande, Chairman, called themeeting to order at 9:00 a.m.Members present: Representatives BetteGrande, Eliot Glassheim, Matthew M. Klein, JoeKroeber; Senators Karen K. Krebsbach, CurtisOlafsonMembers absent: Representative Jim Kasper;Senators Ralph L. Kilzer, Harvey D. TallacksonOthers present: Senator David O’Connell,member

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Sunday, November 9 — A Report From NDUS Chancellor Bill Goetz

Presented at the November 6, 2008, meeting of the State Board of Higher EducationConnecting with Key ConstituentsI’m very pleased to report that I now have completed all 11 regional visitswith legislators and legislative candidates. In conjunction with these visits,I have met with economic development boards, editorial boards and manylocal media representatives. I truly believe these

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Saturday, November 8 — 2008 —Midwestern Higher Education Policy Summit in Minneapolis on November 17

Difficult Dialogues, Rewarding Solutions:The Imperative to Expand Postsecondary OpportunityWhile Controlling Costs MHEC 4th Annual Policy SummitNovember 17-18, 2008Minneapolis, Minnesota Recommended Advanced Reading Materials • “Hitting Home: Quality, Cost, and Access Challenges Confronting Higher Education Today” by Travis Reindl: • Lumina Foundation presentation of the college degree gap: • State Higher Education Executive Officers

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Education — Resources

ED REVIEW November 7, 2008 …a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders ______________________________________________________________________ NCLB UPDATE On October 28, in Columbia, South Carolina, Secretary Spellings announced final regulations to clarify and strengthen Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act. “NCLB has shined

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