

Dr. Tom Seymour’s Presentations

DR. TOM SEYMOUR’S   PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS AND MEETINGS Presenter, “It’s All About Personality: Being Effective in the Board Room and Leading Your Organization,” 2016 Iowa Telecommunications Conference, Des Moines, Iowa / March 9, 2016. Presenter, “It’s All About Personality: Being Effective in the Board Room and Leading Your Organization,” 2015 South Dakota Telecommunications Conference, Deadwood, South Dakota

Homepage News, Presentations

Recent Presentations and Meetings

Social Media Presentation, International Association for Computer Information Systems 51st  Annual Conference, (, Mobile, Alabama / October 7, 2011. Social Media Public Relations Presentation, OPASTCO Convention and Trade Show, Minneapolis, Minnesota / July 26, 2011. ( Social Media Session Chair, North Dakota Association of Telecommunications Cooperatives, Summer Conference, Medora, North Dakota / July 12, 2011.

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