Professional Panels

Professional Panels

Seymour, Tom (Koohang, Nord, Lesjak, Behling) Social Media Panel Discussion, International Association for Computer Information Systems Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada / October 9, 2010. (Abstract) (Refereed)

Session Chair, Social Media Sessions, International Association for Computer Information Systems Annual Meeting, Las Vegas / October 9, 2010.

Seymour, Tom, Koohang, Alex and others. “Panel Discussion:  Challenges of Open Educational Resources,, Informing Science – IT Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia / June 22-25, 2007 (Refereed)

Seymour, Tom, Koohang, Alex and others. “Panel Discussion: Hybrid/Blended Instruction”, “, Informing Science – IT Conference, Manchester, England / June 25-28, 2006. (Refereed)

Seymour, Tom and Lesjak, Dusan. “Evaluation of E-Business Projects,” Proceedings, International Association for Computer Information Systems Pacific 2005 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan / May 20, 2005.  (Refereed)

Seymour, Tom, Lesjak, Dusan and Vehovar, Vasja.  “Economic Evaluation and Justification of E-Business (Projects),” Issues in Information Systems Volume IV (2) – 2003 Annual Conference of the International Association for Computer Information Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada / October 1-4, 2003. (Refereed)

Seymour, Tom.  “Promoting Courses via a Web site for Web-Based Delivery,” Conference Papers – North Central Association Annual Meeting, The Higher Learning Commission, Chicago, Illinois / March 24, 2002.

Seymour, Tom and others.  “Developing Online Instruction Using WebCT,” Proceedings – 2000 Annual Conference of the International Association for Computer Information Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada / October 4-8, 2000. (Refereed)

Seymour, Tom and others. “Developing Courses for Web-Based Delivery,”Proceedings – North Central Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois / April 11, 1999. 

Seymour, Tom and others. “A Discussion of Distance Education Models,”Proceedings – 16th International Conference on Technology and Education, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland / March 29, 1999. (Refereed)


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